Some of the best Twilight Saga poems! Enjoy!
First impressions...
Smiling eyes
Swiftly sensing how
With each seductive glance
They are devouring my soul
Every bit of all that I am
All I know myself to be
Walls made dense through time
Are now brought down
So effortlessly
Damning all uncertainties
Swallowing prejudices whole
A new world built for them to see
Confident eyes
Teasing with a conscious stare
Fracturing my crystalline facade
Erecting a bridge to
That Mona Lisa smile and those irrational lips
As I stand naked in his cloudless sky
His look embracing me steadily
Slow to breath
Slow to speak
Without words to mark this moment
Without sensibility
Earnest eyes
Pleading with mine to leave
Yet eagerly grasping
For a natural response from mine
Relentlessly pursuing
My every raw unflinching move
For some undeniable pleasure of certainty
My sole objective
To deny the satisfaction they seek
Is lost in the midst of his obsession
Lucidity now fleeting
Myself and all I know myself to be
Grows painfully distant
Timidly I surrender to these
Faultless eyes
Ever more consenting to their flawed view of me
Alejandra S. ( Miami , FL )
His face, so white, so hard almost like a statue.
Almost like if one sudden movement dared to touch him,
it would shatter into a thousand pieces.
And his eyes, so gold, so black though still slightly calming.
They were looking right in my direction.
His arms wrapped gracefully around my waist,
as I began to feel the ice raising up my spine.
I looked up so I could see those magnificent eyes
realizing that they were bending down toward mine.
Suddenly I felt his rich, plump lips gently brush against my cheek.
Just then I realized that my fear had been gone.
Coming close to death three times truly changed my soul.
Edward isn't just perfect,
nor is he human.
He is and always shall be...
My Vampire!
Rebecca Y-H ( Ontario, Canada)
Dangerous Obsession
Ode to Edward Cullen
His black eyes burned me
My pulse gone array
The heat within moved me
Lighting a fire through my veins
The pale perfection that was his face
left me wanting more for his sweet embrace
His thick brown hair with golden lights
Sent my fingers wandering for pure delight
Is he real or just my obsession?
This continues to be my burning question
No regrets for the sad mysterious man
Romance revived by the midnight hour at hand
He watches me sleep
Should I be afraid or stay as still as the moon
Either way my heart is his
whether my happiness follows or impending doom
Melissa J. (Tucson, Arizona)
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